105 research outputs found

    Analysis and application of hop count in multi-hop wireless ad-hoc networks

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    Hop count, i.e., the number of wireless hops a packet has to go through to reach the destination, is a fundamental metric in multi-hop wireless ad-hoc networks. Network performance, such as throughput, end-to-end delay, energy consumption, and so on, depends critically on hop count. Previous work on modeling hop count is limited in making unrealistic simplifying assumptions either at the physical or network, or both layers of the communication protocol stack. A key contribution of this thesis is to present an analytical model to derive the probability distribution of hop count under realistic assumptions at both physical and network layers. Specifically, the model considers a log-normal shadowing radio propagation capable of accommodating the random signal fading observed in most wireless communication environments, and the widely used geographic routing at the network layer. Validation of the model is achieved by a comprehensive set of simulation experiments including a trace driven simulation of a real-word vehicular ad-hoc network. The model reveals that the presence of randomness in radio propagation reduces the required number of hops to reach a given destination significantly. To demonstrate the utility of the proposed hop count model, the thesis proposes three new applications which address some of the key challenges in multi-hop wireless networks. The first application derives the per-node packet forwarding load in multi-hop wireless sensor networks and reveals that the nodes in the vicinity of the base station has a significantly less forwarding load than previously thought under simplifying radio propagation and routing assumptions. The second application demonstrates that using hop count as a measure of distance traveled by a data packet, geocasting can be achieved in multi-hop wireless networks in situations when some of the network nodes do not have access to reliable location information. Finally, the proposed hop count model is used to evaluate the performance of the third application which demonstrates that the overhead of geographic routing can be reduced significantly by embracing a position update philosophy which adapts to the mobility and communication patterns of the underlying ad-hoc network

    A Survey of Learning-based Automated Program Repair

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    Automated program repair (APR) aims to fix software bugs automatically and plays a crucial role in software development and maintenance. With the recent advances in deep learning (DL), an increasing number of APR techniques have been proposed to leverage neural networks to learn bug-fixing patterns from massive open-source code repositories. Such learning-based techniques usually treat APR as a neural machine translation (NMT) task, where buggy code snippets (i.e., source language) are translated into fixed code snippets (i.e., target language) automatically. Benefiting from the powerful capability of DL to learn hidden relationships from previous bug-fixing datasets, learning-based APR techniques have achieved remarkable performance. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey to summarize the current state-of-the-art research in the learning-based APR community. We illustrate the general workflow of learning-based APR techniques and detail the crucial components, including fault localization, patch generation, patch ranking, patch validation, and patch correctness phases. We then discuss the widely-adopted datasets and evaluation metrics and outline existing empirical studies. We discuss several critical aspects of learning-based APR techniques, such as repair domains, industrial deployment, and the open science issue. We highlight several practical guidelines on applying DL techniques for future APR studies, such as exploring explainable patch generation and utilizing code features. Overall, our paper can help researchers gain a comprehensive understanding about the achievements of the existing learning-based APR techniques and promote the practical application of these techniques. Our artifacts are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/QuanjunZhang/AwesomeLearningAPR}


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 柴崎 亮介, 東京大学教授 貞広 幸雄, 東京大学准教授 竹内 渉, 東京大学准教授 関本 義秀University of Tokyo(東京大学

    GAMMA: Revisiting Template-based Automated Program Repair via Mask Prediction

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    Automated program repair (APR) aims to fix software bugs without human intervention and template-based APR has been widely investigated with promising results. However, it is challenging for template-based APR to select the appropriate donor code, which is an important repair ingredient for generating candidate patches. Inappropriate donor code may cause plausible but incorrect patch generation even with correct fix patterns, limiting the repair performance. In this paper, we aim to revisit template-based APR, and propose GAMMA, to directly leverage large pre-trained language models for donor code generation. Our main insight is that instead of retrieving donor code in the local buggy file, we can directly predict the correct code tokens based on the context code snippets and repair patterns by a cloze task. Specifically, (1) GAMMA revises a variety of fix templates from state-of-the-art template-based APR techniques (i.e., TBar) and transforms them into mask patterns. (2) GAMMA adopts a pre-trained language model to predict the correct code for masked code as a fill-in-the-blank task. The experimental results demonstrate that GAMMA correctly repairs 82 bugs on Defects4J-v1.2, which achieves 20.59\% (14 bugs) and 26.15\% (17 bugs) improvement over the previous state-of-the-art template-based approach TBar and learning-based one Recoder. Furthermore, GAMMA repairs 45 bugs and 22 bugs from the additional Defects4J-v2.0 and QuixBugs, indicating the generalizability of GAMMA in addressing the dataset overfitting issue. We also prove that adopting other pre-trained language models can provide substantial advancement, e.g., CodeBERT-based and ChatGPT-based GAMMA is able to fix 80 and 67 bugs on Defects4J-v1.2, indicating the scalability of GAMMA. Overall, our study highlights the promising future of adopting pre-trained models to generate correct patches on top of fix patterns.Comment: Accepted to 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2023

    A Critical Review of Large Language Model on Software Engineering: An Example from ChatGPT and Automated Program Repair

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have been gaining increasing attention and demonstrated promising performance across a variety of Software Engineering (SE) tasks, such as Automated Program Repair (APR), code summarization, and code completion. For example, ChatGPT, the latest black-box LLM, has been investigated by numerous recent research studies and has shown impressive performance in various tasks. However, there exists a potential risk of data leakage since these LLMs are usually close-sourced with unknown specific training details, e.g., pre-training datasets. In this paper, we seek to review the bug-fixing capabilities of ChatGPT on a clean APR benchmark with different research objectives. We first introduce {\benchmark}, a new benchmark with buggy and the corresponding fixed programs from competitive programming problems starting from 2023, after the training cutoff point of ChatGPT. The results on {\benchmark} show that ChatGPT is able to fix 109 out of 151 buggy programs using the basic prompt within 35 independent rounds, outperforming state-of-the-art LLMs CodeT5 and PLBART by 27.5\% and 62.4\% prediction accuracy. We also investigate the impact of three types of prompts, i.e., problem description, error feedback, and bug localization, leading to additional 34 fixed bugs. Besides, we provide additional discussion from the interactive nature of ChatGPT to illustrate the capacity of a dialog-based repair workflow with 9 additional fixed bugs. Inspired by the findings, we further pinpoint various challenges and opportunities for advanced SE study equipped with such LLMs (e.g.,~ChatGPT) in the near future. More importantly, our work calls for more research on the reevaluation of the achievements obtained by existing black-box LLMs across various SE tasks, not limited to ChatGPT on APR

    Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Embedding Makes Vanilla Transformer SOTA for Traffic Forecasting

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    With the rapid development of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), accurate traffic forecasting has emerged as a critical challenge. The key bottleneck lies in capturing the intricate spatio-temporal traffic patterns. In recent years, numerous neural networks with complicated architectures have been proposed to address this issue. However, the advancements in network architectures have encountered diminishing performance gains. In this study, we present a novel component called spatio-temporal adaptive embedding that can yield outstanding results with vanilla transformers. Our proposed Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Embedding transformer (STAEformer) achieves state-of-the-art performance on five real-world traffic forecasting datasets. Further experiments demonstrate that spatio-temporal adaptive embedding plays a crucial role in traffic forecasting by effectively capturing intrinsic spatio-temporal relations and chronological information in traffic time series.Comment: Accepted as CIKM2023 Short Pape

    Backdooring Neural Code Search

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    Reusing off-the-shelf code snippets from online repositories is a common practice, which significantly enhances the productivity of software developers. To find desired code snippets, developers resort to code search engines through natural language queries. Neural code search models are hence behind many such engines. These models are based on deep learning and gain substantial attention due to their impressive performance. However, the security aspect of these models is rarely studied. Particularly, an adversary can inject a backdoor in neural code search models, which return buggy or even vulnerable code with security/privacy issues. This may impact the downstream software (e.g., stock trading systems and autonomous driving) and cause financial loss and/or life-threatening incidents. In this paper, we demonstrate such attacks are feasible and can be quite stealthy. By simply modifying one variable/function name, the attacker can make buggy/vulnerable code rank in the top 11%. Our attack BADCODE features a special trigger generation and injection procedure, making the attack more effective and stealthy. The evaluation is conducted on two neural code search models and the results show our attack outperforms baselines by 60%. Our user study demonstrates that our attack is more stealthy than the baseline by two times based on the F1 score

    A Survey of Source Code Search: A 3-Dimensional Perspective

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    (Source) code search is widely concerned by software engineering researchers because it can improve the productivity and quality of software development. Given a functionality requirement usually described in a natural language sentence, a code search system can retrieve code snippets that satisfy the requirement from a large-scale code corpus, e.g., GitHub. To realize effective and efficient code search, many techniques have been proposed successively. These techniques improve code search performance mainly by optimizing three core components, including query understanding component, code understanding component, and query-code matching component. In this paper, we provide a 3-dimensional perspective survey for code search. Specifically, we categorize existing code search studies into query-end optimization techniques, code-end optimization techniques, and match-end optimization techniques according to the specific components they optimize. Considering that each end can be optimized independently and contributes to the code search performance, we treat each end as a dimension. Therefore, this survey is 3-dimensional in nature, and it provides a comprehensive summary of each dimension in detail. To understand the research trends of the three dimensions in existing code search studies, we systematically review 68 relevant literatures. Different from existing code search surveys that only focus on the query end or code end or introduce various aspects shallowly (including codebase, evaluation metrics, modeling technique, etc.), our survey provides a more nuanced analysis and review of the evolution and development of the underlying techniques used in the three ends. Based on a systematic review and summary of existing work, we outline several open challenges and opportunities at the three ends that remain to be addressed in future work.Comment: submitted to ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodolog

    An Energy-efficient Rate Adaptive Media Access Protocol (RA-MAC) for Long-lived Sensor Networks

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    We introduce an energy-efficient Rate Adaptive Media Access Control (RA-MAC) algorithm for long-lived Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Previous research shows that the dynamic and lossy nature of wireless communications is one of the major challenges to reliable data delivery in WSNs. RA-MAC achieves high link reliability in such situations by dynamically trading off data rate for channel gain. The extra gain that can be achieved reduces the packet loss rate which contributes to reduced energy expenditure through a reduced numbers of retransmissions. We achieve this at the expense of raw bit rate which generally far exceeds the application’s link requirement. To minimize communication energy consumption, RA-MAC selects the optimal data rate based on the estimated link quality at each data rate and an analytical model of the energy consumption. Our model shows how the selected data rate depends on different channel conditions in order to minimize energy consumption. We have implemented RA-MAC in TinyOS for an off-the-shelf sensor platform (the TinyNode) on top of a state-of-the-art WSN Media Access Control Protocol, SCP-MAC, and evaluated its performance by comparing our implementation with the original SCP-MAC using both simulation and experiment